Donation instead of Christmas mail

'After "love","help" is "help" the most beautiful verb in the world."' - Bertha Suttner
This year it was very important to us to support our youth. The pandemic and its restrictions are having an impact on all of us over time. But the pandemic hits our youngest the hardest. Young adults who need freedom right now to develop themselves. Children who, of course, would rather play with their friends than go to school at home. We are of the opinion that the pandemic is having a negative impact on our children and young people in particular.
So we thought about what we can do for our children/teenagers. We did some research and found a great organization: the "AufBauWerk der Jugend." (construction work of youth.)

What does AufBauWerk do?
The AufBauWerk is an educational institution and provides development rooms for young people with learning difficulties in Tyrol. The social service company trains young people on an equal footing. In addition to various training courses relating to the world of work, the core competence lies in job training for people with special needs. This job training is tailored to the individual and also offers a lot of practice supported by the network with companies and other training providers. The aim is to let young people arrive in the middle of life.
Maybe there are organizations in your area that do good work and deserve support?
Donation instead of Christmas mail
That's why we decided not to send our Christmas greetings that far this year. The amount that we usually send to our dear guests for our Christmas mail was donated to the nearby municipality of Bad Häring this year.
Stay healthy and best regards,
Family Erharter (on behalf of Alma and Sturmi)

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